March 14, 2008 | BY ELI LAKE - Staff Reporter of the Sun

WASHINGTON —" A Pentagon review of about 600,000 documents captured in the Iraq war attests to Saddam Hussein's willingness to use terrorism to target Americans and work closely with jihadist organizations throughout the Middle East.


Saturday, March 8, 2008 | By Joshua Partlow | In Rugged N. Iraq, Guerrillas Forge a Unity Based on Hardship and Defiance

ZAP VALLEY, Iraq -- On the day the Turkish soldiers withdrew from Iraq, 40 Kurdish guerrillas convened to bury five of their dead.


Saturday, March 22 2008

At least 100 people were injured as security forces used tear gas and water cannons to disperse Kurdish spring festival celebrations in a number of Turkish cities.


Saturday, March 22, 2008 | David Frum

Five years later, the debate over the Iraq war rages as hot as when it began. We have never ceased looking over our shoulders. We have attempted to fight our way forward with our eyes fixed backward.


5 March 2008

Three members of European Parliament have concurred that the new Turkish Constitution should not include the concept of "Turkishness" and should focus instead on citizenship without making distinctions over ethnicity.


Apr 3rd 2008 | ISTANBUL

The constitutional court takes on Turkey's ruling party

The long battle between Turkey's mildly Islamist ruling party and its fiercely secular establishment is coming to a climax. The outcome could decide the country's future direction, and in particular its hopes of one day joining the European Union.


By Michael Kuser [The Financial Times - Published: August 12 2005]

The Turkish governmentis turning its attention once again to its long fight with Kurdish militants, after devoting much of its energy during the past two years to the start of accession talks to the European Union.




April 5, 2008 | By Ned Parker, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer

A struggle between Sunni Arabs and Kurds has torn apart the city of Mosul and could play a crucial role in drawing the region's boundaries.


Greece's International English Language Newspaper, July 12, 2007

Aynur set to perform in World Music series of Athens Festival

By Elias Maglinis - Kathimerini

Aynur, the “Kurdish girl” as she is fondly called by fans, will be coming to Athens to appear at the Scholeion theater on July 19 in the World Music series of the Athens Festival.