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5 March - 23:33Iranian singer ready 'to pay price for freedom' after 74 lashes

A prominent Iranian pop singer who made a song urging women to remove their headscarves said Wednesday that he was willing to pay "a price for freedom" after being flogged 74 times by the authorities as part of his sentence.... READ MORE

5 March - 19:10US aid cuts hinder Iraqi repatriations from IS-linked Syria camp: official

5 March - 18:30US aid cuts hinder Iraqi repatriations from IS-linked Syria camp: official

5 March - 17:45Iraq security chief urges Turkey, PKK to withdraw after peace deal

5 March - 17:43US aid cuts hinder Iraqi repatriations from IS-linked Syria camp: official

Human Rights READ MORE

Invasion of Afrin READ MORE



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January 2025

N° 478




Open to the public

Monday Tuesday,Thursday and Friday from 13.00 to 19.00
Wednesday from 15.30 to 19.00

(The library is closed Sunday)


The Kurdish Institute maintains the largest Kurdish Library in
the Western World.

This library contains over 10,000 monographs about the Kurds, in 25 languages, several tens of thousands of published documents, collections of reviews and newspapers, photographs, videos, post cards and posters, as well as audio archives and music recordings.

This rich documentation fills over a third of the Institute's premises as well as a substantial part of its warehouse, located in a Paris suburb. References to these monographs and the principal documents have been computerized.