The 2nd World Conference of Kurdish Studies

co-organized by University of Duhok and the Kurdish Institute of Paris

May 1st- 3rd, 2011

University of Duhok
Duhok Governorate, Kurdistan Region, Iraq



Venue: University of Duhok, Duhok Governorate, Kurdistan Region, Iraq Conference language: English, Kurdish

Saturday, April 30th

4:00 p.m.: Arrival at Erbil Airport and their transfer to Dohuk.

7:30 p.m.: Hospitality station opens for Guests. Arrival to Duhok and registration at the hotel.

8:00 p.m.: Get together/Dinner.

Sunday, May 1st

10:00-11:00 a.m.: Inaugural Ceremony. Official opening and welcome addresses.

10:00 Welcome Address by Dr. Asmat M. Khalid, President of Duhok University.

10:15 Presiding speech by Dr. Kendal Nezan, President of the Kurdish Institute in Paris.

10:30 Keynote speech by Prof. Dlawer Ala'adin, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

10:45 Speech by Mr. Safeen Dizayee, Minister of Education

11:00-12:15 p.m.: Session 1 (Kurdish studies in 20th century)

11: 00 presentation 1: Western Europe: Prof. Joyce Blau (Paris), Professor Emeritus.

11: 25 presentation 2: Iraq: Prof. Abdul Fettah Botani. Director-Center of Kurdish Studies & Archives.

11: 50 presentation 3: Russia and Former USSR: Prof. Jalile jalil (Vienna).

12: 15 presentation 4: Turkey: Prof. Ismail Besikci (Interview via video).

12:40 - 2:00 p.m.: Lunch Break

2:00-8:00 p.m.: Session 2 (Kurdish Study surveys worldwide).

2:00 Survey of Kurdish studies in France:

2:00 presentation 1: Prof. Hamit Bozarslan. (EHESS, Paris).

2:25 presentation 2: Dr. Ephrem-Isa Youssif (Paris).

2:50 presentation 3: Dr. jean-Marie Pradier (Paris), Professor Emeritus.

3:15 Survey of Kurdish studies in Germany:

3:15 presentation 4: Dr. Birgit Ammann (Berlin).

3:40 presentation 5: Dr. Khanna Omarkhali (Gottingen).

4:00-4:30 p.m.: Coffee Break

4:30 Survey of Kurdish studies in Italy:

4:30 presentation 6: Prof. Mirella Galletti (university of Naples).

4:50 Survey of Kurdish studies in the Netherland:

4:50 presentation 7: Dr. Michiel Leezenberg (Amsterdam)

5:10 Survey of Kurdish studies in Scandinavian countries:

5:10 presentation 8: Resho Zilan (Uppsala, Sweden)

5: 30 Survey of Kurdish studies in the former Soviet Republics Union.

5: 30 presentation 9: Prof. Knyaz Mirzoev (Alma Ata, Kazakhstan)

5: 50 Survey of Kurdish studies in the U.K:

5: 50 presentation 10: Dr. Hashim Ahmadzadeh, ((University of Exeter, U.K).

6:10 Survey of Kurdish studies in the U.S.A:

6:10 presentation 11: Dr. Michael Gunter, Professor of Political Science at Tennessee Technological University-Cookeville.

6:30 presentation 12: Dr. Janet Klein, Assistant Professor, Department of History at the University of Akron, Cleveland.

6:50 Survey of Kurdish studies in the Middle East.

6:50 Survey of Kurdish studies in the Syria:

6:50 presentation 13: Assistant Prof. Abdi Haji Muhammad. Head of the Department of Kurdish Language, Faculty of Education, University of Duhok.

7:10 Survey of Kurdish studies in the Turkey:

7:10 presentation 14:Prof. Kadri Yildirim.Dean of the Institute of Living Languages , Mardin Artuklu University.

7:25 presentation 15: Assistant Prof. Abdulrahman Adak. Head of the Department of Kurdish Language, Mardin Artuklu University.

7:40 Survey of Kurdish studies in the Kurdistan Region:

7:40 presentation 16: Dr. Kamiran Berwari, Faculty of Humanities- Arts, University of Duhok.

8:00 p.m.: Dinner and end of the 1st day activities.

Monday, May 2nd

(9:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.) Workshops

N.B. two workshops will be held simultaneously in the same time but in two different venues, conference attendees can attend one of the workshops according to their specialization.

9:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Workshop: Language & Linguistics (Venue: Hall: A)

9:00-10:30 a.m. Panel 1: Sociolinguistics.

9:00 The practice of Kurdish in the Diaspora. Dr. Salih Akin (University of Rouen, France).

9:30 Kurdish Identity in the Diaspora. Dr. Birgit Ammann (Berlin).

Moderator: Prof. Yousif Sharif (Salahaddin University)

10:00 Discussions.

10:30-11:00 a.m.: Coffee Break

11:00 Panel 2: Grammar.

11:00 The two infinitive verbs in Kurdish, Khosrow Abdollahi Mandolkani ( INALCO, Paris).

11:30 Copying and Changing in Bahdinani Local Dialect. Baeiz Omer Ahmed ( University of Duhok).

Moderator: Dr. Sabah Rasheed Qadir (Salahaddin University).

12:00 Discussions.

12:30-2:00 p.m.: Lunch Break.

2:00 Panel 3: lexicography & Dialectology.

2:00 Process of standardization of kurmanci and Zaza. Resho Zilan( President of the language and Literature Department of the Kurdish Institute of Paris).

2:30 Dr. Hashim Ahmedzadeh (University of Exeter, U.K).

3:00 Fauna and Flora in Kurdish Dictionaries. Josefa Bertolion (Paris).

Moderater: Dr. Asmma A. Bamerni (Head of the Dept. of English- Arts, University of Duhok).

3:30 Discussions.

4:00-4:30 p.m.: Coffee Break.

4:30-6:30 p.m.: Panel 4: Kurdish as used in the media.

4:30 The role of the satellite TV channels in the process of bringing Kurdish dialects Closer Together. Ruken keskin ( Istanbul ); KURD 1

5:00 Kurdistan TV, Abdul Rehman Kakil, News Editor.

5:30 Kurdsat TV, Hewar Ibraheem Hussain Shali.

Moderator: Dr. Abdul Samad Islam (Dept. Of Kurdish, University of Duhok).

6:00 Discussions.

8:00 p.m.: Dinner and end of 2nd day activities.

9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m Workshop: Literature & History. (Venue Hall: B)

9:00-10:30 a.m. Panel 1: Literature Studies.

9:00 The translation into French of the Classical Kurdish literature, Mrs. Sandrine Magnée.

9:30 Logical Language in Kurdish Poetry, Prof. Muhamad Bakir Muhamad (Dept. of Kurdish, University of Duhok).

Moderator: Assistant Prof. Dilshad Ali (Dept. of Kurdsih, Suleimani University).

10:00 Discussions.

10:30- 11:00 a.m.: Coffee Break.

11:00- 12:30 p.m. Panel 2: Oral Literature.

11:00 Kurdish folklore. Prof. Jalile Jalil.

11:30 Yezdi Qewls. Dr. Khanna Omarkhali.

Moderator: Dr. Ibraheem A. Simo. (Head of the Dept. of Drama, University of Duhok)

12:00 Discussions.

12:30-2:00 p.m.: Lunch Break.

2:00-4:00 p.m. Panel 3: History & Anthropology

2:00 Material Culture of the Yezidis. Dr. Birgül Açikyildiz (Mardin Artuklu University-Art, History Department).

2:30 The Religion of the Yezidis, Dr. Eszter Spät.

3:00 The Kurdish Diaspora in Sweden, Dr. Khalid Khayati (Lecturer at Linkoping University- Sweden).

3:30 Documentary Presentation. Dr. Ferhad Pirbal (Salahaddin University).

Moderator: Prof: Khalil Ali Murad (Salahaddin University)

4:00 Discussions.

4:30-5:00 p.m.: Coffee Break.

5:00- 7:00 p.m. Panel 4: Kurdish Publishing House. Participants:

5:00 Abdullah Keskin, Director of AVESTA Kitap Publishing House, Istanbul.

5:30 ARAS Publishing House, Hewler.

6:00 Spirez, Publishing House, Duhok.

Moderator: Dr. Beyar Mustefa (Dept. of History, University of Duhok).

6:30 Discussions.

8:00 p.m.: Dinner and end of 2nd day activities.

Tuesday May 3rd

9:30-10:30 a.m. General Session.

Presentation of Workshops' reports.

Conclusion remarks and proposals.

11:00-1:00 p.m. Kurdish Stage Show (Mem u Zina- Ahmedi Khani and our Community), Venue: Auditorium: Jizzery Hall.

1.00- 2.30 p.m.: Lunch Break

2:30 -8:00 p.m. Sightseeing tour and excursion.

8:00 p.m.: Dinner and end of the 3rd day activities.

Wednesday May 4th

9: 00 a.m. Departure to Erbil.

12: 30 p.m. Lunch in the presence of Prime Minister or Minister of Higher Education & Scientific Research

2:30 p.m. Departure at Erbil Airport.