President Erdogan has issued a license to killTuesday, 3 December, 2019 , 17:41 | By Can Dundar

A few weeks ago, in a meeting with Turkish parliamentarians not long after President Trump’s announcement that U.S. special forces had killed Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in northern Syria, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that he regarded the U.S. president as a role model:


Opinion | Undoing Trump’s Syria BlunderFriday, 29 November, 2019 , 17:23 | By Paul Wolfowitz | Nov. 21, 2019

America’s mission to protect the Kurds after the Gulf War is a model for low-cost, low-risk intervention.

Mr. Wolfowitz served in senior posts in the Department of Defense in the administrations of George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.




The Iran Cables: Secret Documents Show How Tehran Wields Power in IraqThursday, 21 November, 2019 , 17:52 | By Tim Arango, James Risen, Farnaz Fassihi, Ronen Bergman and Murtaza Hussain 

Hundreds of leaked intelligence reports shed light on a shadow war for regional influence — and the battles within the Islamic Republic’s own spy divisions


Erdogan’s ethnic cleansing of the Kurds is still happening now – and we have Trump to thankWednesday, 20 November, 2019 , 16:17 | Patrick Cockburn

Making life impossible for a civilian population can take other effective but less dramatic forms than the use of white phosphorus or roadside killings


Turkey’s Tyrant Eats a White House TurkeyTuesday, 19 November, 2019 , 18:02 | By By Bret Stephens Opinion Columnist | Nov. 15, 2019

Under the avalanche of endless Trump scandals, a superpower is losing its grip.


Turkey’s Other Weapon Against the Kurds: WaterTuesday, 12 November, 2019 , 17:21 | By Alexandra Marvar *

In times of conflict, war, and climate change, hydropower is state power.


‘Filled with hatred and lust for blood’: Turkey’s proxy army in northern Syria accused of abusing civiliansMonday, 11 November, 2019 , 17:32 | By Asser Khattab

Refugees accuse soldiers of ethnic cleansing as some 200,000 displaced


 Abuse of civilians by Turkey-backed rebels undermining safe zone  - Washington PostSunday, 10 November, 2019 , 17:17

Turkey’s goal of creating a “safe zone” for civilians in northern Syria is being undermined by increasing reports of abuse against the local population at the hands of Ankara-backed proxy forces, the Washington Post reported on Sunday. 


U.S. Envoy in Syria Says Not Enough Was Done to Avert Turkish AttackSunday, 10 November, 2019 , 15:30 | By Eric Schmitt

In an internal memo, the senior American diplomat in northern Syria criticized the Trump administration for failing to try harder to deter Turkey from invading northern Syria last month.


 Erdoğan’s safe zone plan resonates Turkey’s history of forced migration - analysisSaturday, 9 November, 2019 , 17:19

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s plan to resettle Syrian refugees in Turkey to a safe zone to be established in northern Syria resonates the state-facilitated or state-enforced population transfers in the former Ottoman Empire and in recent Turkish history, analyst Nick Ashdown said in Foreign Policy on Friday.