Washingtonpost.com | By Can Dundar
A few weeks ago, in a meeting with Turkish parliamentarians not long after President Trump’s announcement that U.S. special forces had killed Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in northern Syria, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated that he regarded the U.S. president as a role model:
nytimes.com | By Paul Wolfowitz | Nov. 21, 2019
America’s mission to protect the Kurds after the Gulf War is a model for low-cost, low-risk intervention.
Mr. Wolfowitz served in senior posts in the Department of Defense in the administrations of George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.
nytimes.com | By By Bret Stephens Opinion Columnist | Nov. 15, 2019
Under the avalanche of endless Trump scandals, a superpower is losing its grip.
Turkey’s goal of creating a “safe zone” for civilians in northern Syria is being undermined by increasing reports of abuse against the local population at the hands of Ankara-backed proxy forces, the Washington Post reported on Sunday.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s plan to resettle Syrian refugees in Turkey to a safe zone to be established in northern Syria resonates the state-facilitated or state-enforced population transfers in the former Ottoman Empire and in recent Turkish history, analyst Nick Ashdown said in Foreign Policy on Friday.