Death and destruction in DiyarbakirFriday, 26 February, 2016 , 17:46

Parts of Diyarbakir, the de facto capital of Turkey's Kurdish regions, have been under a Turkish army imposed curfew for two months now. Tom Stevenson reports from a destroyed city under siege.


The Case for Delisting the PKK as a Foreign Terrorist OrganizationThursday, 25 February, 2016 , 17:04

By David PhillipsKelly Berkell
Thursday, February 11, 2016


The Case for Delisting the PKK as a Foreign Terrorist Organization


Death and destruction in DiyarbakirTuesday, 23 February, 2016 , 17:28

Deutsche Welle | Tom Stevenson, Diyarbakir, Turkey - 28.01.2016

Death and destruction in Diyarbakir

Parts of Diyarbakir, the de facto capital of Turkey's Kurdish regions, have been under a Turkish army imposed curfew for two months now. Tom Stevenson reports from a destroyed city under siege.

Audios and videos on the topic

Turkey: The offensive in Diyarbakir 


Undoing Years of Progress in TurkeyTuesday, 23 February, 2016 , 17:20

JAN. JAN. 26, 2016

The Opinion Pages | Op-Ed Contributor

Undoing Years of Progress in Turkey


Friday, 5 February, 2016 , 20:16

International New-York Times | Behlul Ozkan
FEBRUARY 3, 2016

The U.S. and the E.U. have mistakenly deemed refugees and Syria more important than Turkish democracy.


Erdogan’s foreign policy is in ruinsFriday, 5 February, 2016 , 19:35



Just a few short years ago, Turkey was heralded as one of the region's rising powers. What happened?


France must perpetuate the existence of the Kurdish Institute of ParisTuesday, 7 April, 2015 , 12:00

French daily LIBERATION, April 7, 2015

Jean-Marc AYRAULT, former Prime Minister, Anne HIDALGO, Mayor of Paris, Bernard KOUCHNER, former Foreign Minister, Bruno LE ROUX, President of the Socialist Group in the French National Assembly, Hubert VÉDRINE, former Foreign Minister


Why does ISIS keep making enemies?Wednesday, 18 February, 2015 , 12:00 | By Peter Bergen, CNN National Security Analyst *

Whenever ISIS carries out a new atrocity, whether it's beheading a group of Egyptian Christians or enslaving Yazidi women in Iraq or burning its victims alive, the big question most people have is: Why on Earth is ISIS doing this? What could possibly be the point?


How to Deal With the Islamic State? Arm the KurdsTuesday, 17 February, 2015 , 12:00 | Bernard-Henri Lévy (French philosopher and writer)

Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan.

Leave Erbil and take the southern road toward Mosul.

There, in a landscape of hills green but bare, is the front line where General Barzani's Peshmerga fighters are arrayed against the the Islamic State.


France’s injustice to the KurdsTuesday, 10 February, 2015 , 18:37 | By Kendal Nezan (President of the Kurdish Institute of Paris.)

The Kurdish Institute of Paris has acted for nearly thirty-two years, in France and in Europe, as the voice of the Kurdish people. This people without a state has throughout the 20th Century been the victim of the cruellest injustices, and the Institute has provided information and documentation to journalists, researchers, students, voluntary associations and members of Parliament about the Kurdish world which seemed condemned to disappear or driven into exile because of the disinterest and neglect shown by the public authorities.