KRG calls on the international community to intervene in mediating the lifting of restrictive measuresTuesday, 21 November, 2017 , 14:19 | KRG Cabinet

The Kurdistan Regional Government calls upon the international community to intervene with the Government of Iraq to end its collective measures against the people and government of the Kurdistan Region.

The restrictive policies adopted by Baghdad against Erbil are in violation of Iraq’s obligations and responsibilities under international and humanitarian law, and its duty as a state to respect and protect its citizens, including those displaced, and to promote and protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals and groups.


Mission Still Not Accomplished in Iraq - Why the United States Should Not Leave?Monday, 20 November, 2017 , 16:42 | By Emma Sky (*)

In July 2017, Iraqi soldiers, backed by U.S. air strikes, liberated Mosul, the city where Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State (also known as ISIS), had declared a caliphate just three years before. It was a hard-won victory. For nine grueling months, Iraq’s Counter Terrorism Service, an elite group of U.S.- trained forces, suffered heavy losses as they fought street by street to uproot ISIS fighters, who used the local population as human shields. Thousands of civilians were killed, and a million or so were displaced from their homes. Mosul’s historic monuments have been destroyed. And the city’s infrastructure lies in tatters.


Prime Minister Barzani receives letter from UN Secretary General António GuterresFriday, 17 November, 2017 , 17:42 | WED, 15 NOV 2017 | KRG Cabinet

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq ( - Kurdistan Regional Government Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani today received the UN Secretary General’s Special Representative to Iraq, Mr. Ján Kubiš, who handed Mr. Barzani a letter from UN Secretary General, Mr. Antonio Guterres.



Oil seen as real prize of Iran's Kurdish adventureFriday, 17 November, 2017 , 17:24 | BY Ahmed Rasheed, Dmitry Zhdannikov, Bozorgmehr Sharafedin | November 14, 2017

BAGHDAD/LONDON (Reuters) - After helping Iraq stifle a Kurdish push for independence, Iran is now positioning itself to take control of oil exports from the region’s giant Kirkuk field, with the first deliveries expected within days, officials and trading sources said. 


Iraq – Statement by the Kurdish regional government on a decision by Iraq’s Supreme Federal Court Friday, 17 November, 2017 , 17:06

France Diplomatie

Iraq – Statement by the Kurdish regional government on a decision by Iraq’s Supreme Federal Court (14 November 2017)

France welcomes the acknowledgement by the Kurdish regional government of the ruling by Iraq’s Supreme Federal Court on November 6 on the unity of Iraq, as well the willingness it has expressed to engage in dialogue.


Baath-era Court Cherry Picks Constitution for AbadiFriday, 17 November, 2017 , 13:56 | BY DAVID ROMANO | 11/11/2017

This week Rudaw and other news sources reported that “Iraq’s Federal Court ruled… that no article in the constitution allows partition or the separation of any part of the country, with the Iraqi prime minister calling on Erbil to make its position on the ruling clear.” 


115th CONGRESS - 1st Session  H. R. 4238Monday, 13 November, 2017 , 18:13

1st Session

H.R. 4238

To impose terrorism-related sanctions with respect to As-Saib Ahl Al-Haq and Harakat Hizballah Al-Nujaba, and for other purposes.


November 3, 2017

Mr. Poe of Texas (for himself, Mr. Sherman, and Mr. Franks of Arizona) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs


The price of selling out the KurdsMonday, 13 November, 2017 , 17:57 | By Dennis Ross (*) — November 8, 2017

I often take part in what’s known as “track II diplomacy” — brainstorming discussions with former officials and academics that explore options for breaking major international impasses or ending conflicts.


The US will rue its betrayal of the KurdsMonday, 13 November, 2017 , 13:21 / By Bernard-Henri Levy — 11 November 2017

We know more or less about the unbearable epilogue to Kurdistan’s hundred years of solitude being written before our eyes. We know, too, about the craven abandonment of the Kurds to the “New Gang of Four”, right up until the ceasefire of 28 October.


Prime Minister Barzani talks to the press: Dialogue is the only optionSunday, 12 November, 2017 , 17:04 (KRG Cabinet)

Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq ( – In a press conference, Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani talked about the powerful earthquake which hit the Kurdistan Region and Iranian Kurdistan last night, Iraq’s 2018 Draft Budget bill and other issues related to the current situation in the Kurdistan Region.